Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Transell Saga

Mark banged the rock and banged the rock until liquid came out of it. Mark drank the juice and started to eat the inside part of the rock. That night he saw the light and he set his new destination for that light. Mark woke up and started heding toward the deeper forest. the monkey was fallowing him. Mark felt kind of protected in that sense of the monkey nows were hes going.

Transall Saga

Mark was drunched with slimmy and dirty sand. He started making his way toward the forest again to try and find food. As he entered the forest he herd weird noises and monkey like howls. Mark looked up in the trees and saw monkeys. Brian asked is there any food around here. Obviously he new the monkey wouldnt respond. as he turned to walk again the monkey threw something at him like a rock. Mark shook it it had something inside.

The Transall saga

After the bull left mark climbed off the tree and started to walk toward this forest by him. As he was walking he started to feel himself sink. Mark started to panic. He was trying to remember how to get out of quick sand from the book he read on it. He lied on his back and backstroked out.

The Transall Saga

Mark was on another planet. He felt frightend and wanted to be home. He was lucky though, because he had his surviver gear. Mark started wandering around trying to find food. All he could find was red grass. he stummbled across this bull like creacher runner toward him mark sprang into action and climbed up a tree. the bull gave up chaseing him and ran away. mark felt really scared.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Train Sell Sega

The Transall Saga is the book that I have been reading for my outside reading book. It was written by Gary Paulson. Gary is by far my favorite author. Mark the young boy loves to hike and loves the outdoors. His parents let him go out and explore for a weekend and so he did. he found his way going across a dessert and when he was sleeping he awoke to a light. he walked toward the blue light. he walked into it and went into another dimention. it was another planet.

Monday, March 30, 2009

automakers ask for more federal help

General Motors and Chrysler LLC said Tuesday they could need an additional $21.6 billion in federal loans between them because of worsening demand for their cars and trucks. GM said that by 2011 it could need a total of $30 billion, which includes the $13.4 billion in Treasury loans it has already received. GM will for sure need $9.1 billion in additional loans and could require another $7.5 billion in the next two years if auto sales don't improve. Chrysler said it now needs a total of $9 billion, up from the $4 billion Treasury loan it received in December. GM also said that it would eliminate 47,000 jobs over the course of 2009. The company said it would cut about 20,000 jobs in the United States, or nearly 22% of its left over U.S. staff. The company said it plans to close another five additional U.S. plants by 2012, in addition to the 12 planned closings announced in December. The plants that will be closed have not yet been identified. Experts have said that the request for additional money is not a surprise, given how bad auto sales have been since the December plea for help.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

holocaust intro and conclusion

The holocaust was a gruesome and terrible experience for millions. It started in 1933 when the German Nazis invaded other European countries to gain control of as much land as possible. While they expanded territory they tried to make a single superior race, which of course would be blond-haired, blue-eyed Germans, or Aryans as Hitler called them. Their leader, Hitler, was himself a Jew which was incredible because he was murdering millions of Jews.

Hitler the leader of the Nazis was killing not only Jews but Christians and other religions as well. He built concentration camps and started to starve and gas all that got in his way of his single race. Hitler’s actions were inexcusable and when the Americans started to take back control Hitler committed suicide. When Americans got to the concentration camps they could not believe what they have seen. The holocaust was truly a terrible thing that happened.

is anyone watching what u are doing

Dec. 25--It's an article of almost every faith that religion makes us better people. But through the years there has been little scientific support for this widely held belief -- until now. After analyzing 30 years of research, Canadian scholars have concluded that religion can make people more honest while inspiring them to help people they don't know, even when that exacts a personal cost. studies that have found that people are nicer and more honest when they believe they are being watched, whoever the watcher might be.


I read a short story on (and called) Joan of Ark. This short story talks about how Joan was able to overcome the gender boundries of her time and rise to command the entire French Army during the Hundred Years War between France and Britain. Most women during this time had very few roles other than doing housework, helping their husbands out in the fields, and working as servants. Yet, somehow (most people think that their was some sort of divine influence in her), she was able to convince the Dauphin, the leader of France, to let her command the armies and begin retaking France from the British. Her first major victory won here the hearts and loyalty of the entire army. Oh, and by the way, she was only 14 when she received command under the Dauphin. There wouldn't be another female general in any army for several centuries to come.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

African farmers

Farmers in West Africa are dependant on high food prices. These farmers invested all of their money and much of others money to create their fields. Just like in Nectar, these farmers invested thier lives into their crops. In order for the farmers to make a profit the 11o pound bags of rice need to be 20$, right now it is at 22$. The food prices were very high last year, and senegal relied on imports from other countries. When they couldn't afford any more there was no internal source of food. The president offered discounts on farming equipment for people to start working in the fields. The conditions for making rice in that area are perfect it is hot, large water supply, and a huge unemployed work force. This area of Africa is now dependant on a good harvest which could make or break this country.2 pagesPolgreen, Lydia "West African Villagers stake their fortunes on the future price of rice". N.Y. Times. 25 January 2009.

Arrested for starting rumors

Rumors regarding Monday's destructive earthquake in China's mountainous Sichuan Province have been started by chinese bloggers in online chat rooms. According to some of them, there were many signs that nature gave that could have saved thousands of people if the government had taken serious consideration to them. Ponds inexplicably drained, cows flung themselves against their enclosures and swarms of toads invaded the streets of a town that was later decimated by the quake. One online writer asked “Why did the government ignore the signs? Did they not care?” The Chinese government has been arresting people who started such "rumors" and said they would punish them. However, the government did not say what the punishments would be.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

eminem's life

eminem was born october 17 1973 in kansas city missouri.Eminem decided to take raping serious and dropped out of high school in the ninth grade. Eminem started showing up at rap freestyling events.In 1997 Eminem competed in the LA Rap Olympics and took second place in free style.In 1999 he released "The Slim Shady LP" which people loved and bought is music. eminem aslo won 2 Grammy Awards for Best Rap Solo Performance. eminems life was very hard for him and he stuck through it and because a famous rapper that we all love today.


the superbowl is going to be sick this year. the teams that are playing are the cardnels, and the steelers. I really hope the cardnels are going to win because i hate the steelers they are gay. I also think that the cardnels deserve a superbowl win because it seems like the steelers go every year.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Curtis James Jackson III was born on july 6 1975. 50 grew up in the south jamacia, Qeens. At age 12 curtis was dealing drugs on the street for his dealler. When curtis was dealing one day in Queens he gets cought and is thrown in perison. when 50 was in prison he had alot of thinking to do, and alot of time to think about what he wanted to do with his life. After he gets out of jail, he desided to leave the drug dealing buisness and persue his dream as becoming a rapper. As 50 chooses his crew and gets a studio ready, his old boss/ dealer isnt so happy because he lost his best salesman. curtis and the dealer get into an argument and then later 50 writes this song about his dealer and how much of a bad person he really was, and put it out on the radio. The dealer was so mad that he had one of his crew members from 50's old crew to go and shoot him. Curtis gets shot 9 times on the street and dies on the way to the hospital, at the hospital they were able to revive him back to life. Allthough 50's life was hard for him at the time because he had his jaw in a metal brace thing, he still was determind to be a famous rapper. when curtis totally rehealed himself, he started his dream. In 2002 50 released his new album Guess Whos Back. By 2003 50 was a famous well known rapper and still is to this very day. 50 cent is one of the tuffist, greatest, rapper of all time.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Lions hire Cunningham as defensive coordinator
John Niyo / The Detroit News

This article talks about how Jim Schwartz became the Lions new head coach. It also goes into detail about how he was friends with other people in the league and how he would like to reach out to them for help when he needs it.

The rest of the article talks about Cunningham, and how he was born a German-American and how that had an affect on Jim Schwartz.

I really don't like the Lions that much, pretty much because of Dante Culpepper. I know that some people didn't him on the Vikings, but when he and Moss were in the Dome, they put people in the seats and touch downs on the board.

Obama Article

Obama speech 'will go down in history' By KAMALA HAYMAN - The Press | Thursday, 22 January 2009

This article was about the new president's speech. The article talked about how he wanted to be able to find ways to rebuild peace with other countries. Another point that he made was about how we need to find a way to bring our country out of debt. While he talked about the nation's debt, he also felt that affordable healthcare and increasing the job market were also very important issues.

Overall, I thought it was a good speech. I think that he sounds like he wants to do good things for our country. I believe that he wants to give more Americans jobs and take care of our national debt.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wolves in Danger

An article in the Star Tribune newspaper said grey wolves may be taken off the endangered species list in the western great lakes area if President Bush gets his way. The president is trying to have the states control the wolves, instead of the federal government. The Obama adminstration will look at the proposal. Environmentalists feel its a last minute move by Bush to take protection away from the wolves, and they feel the animals should still be under protection.
An article in the Star Tribune ranted and raved about a snowmobiler running over 57 ducks in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Apparently it was a single person who performed water skipping over a open ice hole on the Fond du Lac River. Investigators are trying to find the person. The Department of Natural Resources Warden Superviser called the person "a killer with no concern for life." People in the area are upset over another thrill killing of deer. Five deer were herded by snowmobilers and run over last weekend. Four were killed and one had to be put to sleep.

15 things

Fifteen things about Mike is an article about a pro skater named Mike Carroll. I dont know who he is but skateboarder magazine must think hes pretty good because he's mentioned on the front cover. Mike's first pro board featured Calvin from Bill Waters comic strip. He finds lots of food "weird" and didn't eat his first piece of sushi until he was 29 years old. Mike entered his first pro contest at age twelve and "packed" very badly, which means fell. He smashed face first into the ground. The article was so lame that it even felt it needed to mention Mike's habits with boogers.

famous skaterboarders

an article in skateboarder magazine interviewed several famous skaters and asked what there most memerable moment was. ten different boarders commented, and it was interested on what they had to say. tony hawk said that the day rodny mullen stepped on a a skateboard was the most memerable becuase he would revolutionise skateboarding forever. He created almost every trick there is and is well known around the world. bam margera, another famous skater, said that hes memerable moment was when tony hawk did the loop. I agree with nick mcClouth another skater who said he was impressed when jamie tommas skated massive rails a decade ago.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

chicago drive by

acording to an article i read there was a drive by shooting in chicago. the chicago police beleive its gang related. More then 200 officers were invistigating the crime. the people that were shot were all men and all survived althogh 1 man is in criticle conditien. the men were shot at a school durin a basketbal game. Apparintly, 1 women was sent to the hospitle becuz she fell after the shots. the good newz is that the police have a solid lead.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Kim Nelson - Pretty Tight

Kim Nelson is the coach of the Edina Hornets football team, and very good at what he does.He has couched for edina for 3 years. before his carrer at edina coached in south Dakota for a desent amount of time. kim also was inducted into the mn hall of fame in 1994. Kim Nelson is proud of what he has done at edina and hopes to coach here for a long time.

Anders Lee

Anders Lee is the greatest player of all time . . . at least in my mind. He plays football, hockey and baseball at Edina High School, which are are all high profile, popular sports. He is the quarterback of the Edina High School Hornets and feels it's the greatest team sport. He loves Friday nights under the lights and finds the experience unbelievable. Anders also plays hockey. It is his favorite sport and he started when he was four. To round out the school year he is a pitcher for the Edina Hornets baseball team. In addition to his sports interests he is involved in "Sober Squad" which helps young teens the consequences of drugs and alcohol.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

edina hockey

mrs jarret like i saw you at the hockey game at the xl center. Who were you with besides your kids. who was that old guy. Anyways we won so it was pretty sick.